Tuesday, April 21, 2009


The good news is the weather seems to be back to consistently being warm now. The bad news is that for some reason it is beautiful Monday-Friday and storming on the weekends. I am going to give it a bit longer to see if the weekend following this will be clear, otherwise Photos in the Flowers may have to occur during the work week. We shall see, let's keep our fingers crossed.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Getting Old

I have been recuperating from the Easter sugar overload... Despite his being less than 2 years old and only having 8 teeth quite a few of our relatives thought that Liam needed some candy in order to celebrate properly. I dutifully helped to dispose of said candy with my stomach and realized Monday just how true it is that you can eat anything when you are small, but not so much when you get older. *sigh*

Monday, April 6, 2009

Spring Spring Spring!

Spring has already officially begun but it is still chilly chilly outside! Luckily despite all the cold weather the bluebonnets and other lovely flowers have prevailed. As soon as mother nature gets on our side we will run a springtime special: "Photos in the Flowers". More details to come soon!!